• Katie Luther Posts

    Another Take on Advent Preparations

    By Allison Hull I’m going to talk about something controversial. It might get some very heated so you may want to click back to another page. Seriously, you’ve been warned. I’m talking about Advent. How to celebrate it as opposed to Christmas. Now, I’ve been talking to a number of people and this subject gets everyone riled up for some reason. Everyone thinks they’ve got the right idea about how to celebrate it, especially if you’re religious. One thing we can all agree on is that it’s a time of preparation. My husband is a huge Christmas fan. He listens to the music in July, watches Elf and Jingle All…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Why All This Crazy Violence?

    By Keri Wolfmueller Where on earth did all the crazy people come from?  And, for goodness sakes, how did they get guns?  These seem to be the two platforms people land on when discussing the current rise of violence in our country.  The argument sways between more gun control laws or between mental health issues.  Well, I’d like to offer up a third alternative. We’ve got to dig a bit deeper, go back a little further.   Our country is in LOVE with death.  Sound weird?  What if I say it like this, our country places NO value on life.  Making more sense?  I’d like to argue that we have…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Stuff Some Rolls in your Purse (on bringing the liturgy home)

    By Emily Cook It’s time for the Divine Service! Our Sunday Feast! Here, the gifts of God are poured out in so much abundance that one can hardly take it all in! It’s going to be a party! Oh wait, I have children. Never mind. It’s going to be a battle. If you have children, you know they aren’t exactly interested in taking it all in. They’re not there for the “food,” so to speak. They are their to wave to their friends, to drop the offering with a loud clatter on the floor, to lick the hymnals, and to color on their dress pants. So what’s a mother to…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Why to Attend Advent Midweek Services

    By Amanda Markel Today marks the first Wednesday in Advent, and that means most Lutheran churches will have a midweek service tonight. These services often take the form of Vespers or Evening Prayer, which are services especially appropriate to this time of year. Both services use the Magnificat, Mary’s beautiful song, which she sang after being visited by the angel, as the main Canticle. What better time of year to sing along with Mary the words: “For the Mighty One has done great things to me, and holy is His name; and His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation.” In addition to the Magnificat, the…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Jesus, mental health, and shame

    By Heidi Goehmann The choice to take any medication is a big one. Popping a Tylenol in for a headache in our daily life may not weigh heavily on us, but even deciding to give our child an antibiotic or drag our adult selves to the doctor is a big one. Breadth of need, side effects, and co-pays all factor in to our decision to take or avoid a medication. But I see a not-so-new trend rearing its head in the matter – shame. The reality is that we all have an opinion. We want to care for ourselves and our families, the very best that we can. We want…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Observing Advent with Children

    By Amanda Markel The days leading up to Christmas are busy days, and are made even busier for families with small children. It can be easy to lose track of what we’re preparing for, and focus on the more worldly aspects of the Christmas season. But, we also have the gift of the church year, which sets aside the weeks before Christmas as the penitential season of Advent—a time to slow down and reflect on Christ’s coming, both as a baby in Bethlehem, and on His eventual return. You may be wondering how to get your children’s focus off of Santa and gifts and cookies, and on to Christ. There…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Daily Prayer Life

    By Pam Thompson Thirty years ago on my Confirmation day my now sainted Godmother Louise gave me my very own Bible. Inside the front cover in her flawless script she wrote, “When in need, pray. When you have received, give thanks.” And so, for thirty years, my prayer life has grown. I’m not a flowery or showy pray-er. If asked to pray in front of a group, I will almost always rely on The Lord’s Prayer or Luther’s Morning or Evening prayers. But this, by no means implies that I am a weak pray-er. I take very seriously Paul’s admonition to the Thessalonians: “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Fear and Comfort in the Age of Instability

    By Holly Scheer Watching the news right now is not a good way to feel comfortable and safe. From the highly contentious election we are hurtling towards to the recent violence and deaths, the images presented to us are not happy ones to ponder before we fall asleep. There are large questions our government is trying to grapple with—how do we compassionately address a massive refugee crisis while keeping our own safe, do we continue to engage in the growing military conflicts, how do we bolster our still stumbling economy and deal with the mess that is American healthcare… and more. Don’t worry. I’m not here to talk politics to…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    When Thanksgiving Disappoints

    By Vanessa Rasanen This week I’ll be taking the turkey out of my freezer to thaw. I always try to do this earlier than recommended so as not to repeat the great disaster that was Thanksgiving 2011 when I discovered a still frozen turkey in the fridge, leaving our family to dine on a holiday meal of side dishes and no bird. Thankfully, there were only three of us around that table that year, one of whom has no lasting memory of my mommy disaster due to his being only two at the time. Yet this upcoming holiday holds its own shares of disappointment for that kiddo, now a when-did-he-get-so-big six…

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    Katie Luther Posts

    Teaching Children with the Hymnody

    By Mary Abrahamson Hymns hold within their lyrics and poetry the truths of Scripture. God, we praise You! God, we bless You! God, we name You sovereign Lord! Mighty King whom angels worship, Father, by Your church adored: All creation shows Your glory, Heav’n and earth draw near Your throne, Singing “Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts, and God alone!” ELH 42 Text God, we praise You! God, we bless You! by Christopher Idle©1982 Jubilate Group (admin. Hope Publishing Company). Used by permission. Some hymn are prayers directly to God, and as such, vary as widely as our prayers. We praise God: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King…