• Katie Luther Posts

    Article XXIII: Of the Marriage of Priests

    There has been common complaint concerning the examples of priests who were not chaste. 2] For that reason also Pope Pius is reported to have said that there were certain causes why marriage was taken away from priests, but that there were far weightier ones why it ought to be given back; for so Platina writes. 3] Since, therefore, our priests were desirous to avoid these open scandals, they married wives, and taught that it was lawful for them to contract matrimony. First, because 4] Paul says, 1 Cor. 7:2,9: To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife. Also: It is better to marry than to burn. Secondly…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Fun Reformation Activities for Children

    By Keri Wolfmueller If you need a craft project or fun activity to use with your child you probably google it, and Pinterest and the like have a million ideas ready for you to go!  There is one topic I have found very little on and yet it is oh so important in the Lutheran church, the Reformation!  As an Early Childhood Educator and mother of four, I’ve done a little brain storming and thought I’d share a few ideas.  Hope they help.  Have a Blessed Reformation! My favorite creation, a song about Martin Luther, to the tune of Zacchaeus:   Luther was a brave little man, and a brave…

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    CPH’s My First Hymnal

    Let me prepare this review of CPH’s My First Hymnal by stating that I am probably the worst possible person to write such a review.  I know absolutely nothing about music, can’t carry a tune in a wicker basket, am usually unable to recognize melodies, and am probably – on at least some non-literal level – tone deaf.  So, with that out of the way, here’s what I think of My First Hymnal, which I purchased for my infant daughter because obviously a hymnal is an appropriate gift for someone’s 2-month birthday.  First, I like how this is laid out sort of like a baby version of LSB or other…

  • encouragement

    Children of the Heavenly Father

    By Holly Scheer 1 Children of the heavenly Father safely in his bosom gather; nestling bird nor star in heaven such a refuge e’er was given. 2 God his own shall tend and nourish; in his holy courts they flourish. From all evil powers he spares them; in his mighty arms he bears them. 3 Neither life nor death shall ever from the Lord his children sever; for to them his grace revealing, he turns sorrow into healing. 4 God has given, he has taken, but his children ne’er forsaken; his the loving purpose solely to preserve them pure and holy. This hymn is one that I sing often to…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Prayers and Praying with Children

    By Mary Abrahamson The basic foundation to keep in mind when praying and when teaching children to pray can be found in the meanings of the first and last parts of the Lord’s Prayer according to Luther’s Small Catechism.     The Introduction Our Father, Who art in heaven. What does this mean? God would hereby tenderly invite us to believe that He is our true Father, and that we are His true children, so that we may ask Him with all boldness and confidence, as children ask their dear father. and What does “Amen” mean? Amen means that we should be sure that these petitions are acceptable to our…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Jesus, a Quiet place, and My Anxiety

    By Heidi Goehmann Life was pretty good. I was in the kitchen fixing dinner. There was a pot of goodness boiling on one burner and a pan of goodness sautéing on another. My daughter was reciting her memory work to me. My two littlest children were playing with a racecar track on the dining room floor nearby, and my eldest son was holding on to my wrist to let me know he had something to say. It was all good…until someone turned on the music. The theme track of Star Wars barrels into the anxiety already bubbling up! I forgot to mention that it was 4:30pm. What I just described…