Interview With an Adult Convert
By Holly Scheer Vanessa Rasanen is a regular writer here at Sisters of Katie Luther and was kind enough to let me interview her about her experiences growing up as an athiest and coming to Lutheranism (and Christianity, in general) as an adult. Grab a cup of coffee and read along as Vanessa tells us about her experiences. How old were you when you became a Lutheran? 22 is when I became a christian. I didn’t really learn what Lutheranism was until I was 30 and became a member at our current LCMS church. What kind of religious life was in your family growing up? I vaguely remember…
Longing to Belong: A Sheep’s Tale
By Debra-Lynn Swearingen We were lost sheep for a season. There is nothing like church shopping to make you certain you are shepherd-less. Especially if you are susceptible to being a part of the growing sad, mad, church alumni. In some churches we were greeted heartily, some put us through a grueling Q&A session, and some we passed through without notice. We knew little of what we were looking for, and more of what we weren’t willing to endure. We were unsure of how right doctrine and social-fit unite, but we wanted both. We were longing to belong. We just didn’t know what that meant. This was not a new quest…
To the Teenaged Girls I Know, And Those I Don’t
By Amanda Markel Dear Teenage Girls: There are so many things I want to tell you. So many things I wish somebody had told me. I was your age not that terribly long ago, so I remember! Here are just a few things I want you to know, things I think will help you navigate the choppy waters of being a teenager in high school: Go to church—I know, some people will say it’s “not cool” to go to church. People who say that aren’t your friends, and they’re flat-out wrong. Every chance you get to receive God’s gifts, to remember your baptism, and to gather with your church family,…
Revering Celebrities
By Amanda Markel Ever since Hollywood has been the center of the entertainment scene in America, people have been obsessed with stars. This obsession has taken different forms over the years, from the old bus tours of the neighborhoods that celebrities lived in in the 1950s, to today’s tendency to think that because someone is a star they should hold public office. We have revered these people– occasionally going as far as committing the sin of idolizing them. Reality TV has made this an even more dangerous prospect because the people that have become “stars” in our home via the television are often promoted as being regular people like you…
Smalcald Articles- The First Part
Treats of the Sublime Articles Concerning the Divine Majesty, as: I. That Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three distinct persons in one divine essence and nature, are one God, who has created heaven and earth. II. That the Father is begotten of no one; the Son of the Father; the Holy Ghost proceeds from Father and Son. III. That not the Father nor the Holy Ghost but the Son became man. IV. That the Son became man in this manner, that He was conceived, without the cooperation of man, by the Holy Ghost,and was born of the pure, holy [and always] Virgin Mary. Afterwards He suffered, died, was buried, descended…
The Smalcald Articles- Preface
Sisters– if you’ve been here for some time you might have noticed that on the weekend I run the Book of Concord instead of our normal blog posts. Today we start a new section– the Smalcald Articles. If you’ve never read through the Book of Concord before, this is a great time to join us! If you have, it’s a great time to dip back in for a refresher. And with that said– here’s the Preface. 1] Since Pope Paul III convoked a Council last year, to assemble at Mantua about Whitsuntide, and afterwards transferred it from Mantua, so that it is not yet known where he will or can…
By Amanda Markel Christians, especially Lutheran Christians, understand the concept of vocation…that God has called each of us to unique tasks in life. This can be seen in the form of our careers, a task for which we are often paid, as well as other callings in life, such as relationships like wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, or volunteer positions like Sunday School teacher or after-school tutor. We can hold many different vocations at the same time, and our vocations can change throughout our lives. One thing should remain the same, however. Whatever our vocation is, we should do it joyfully, as though we are serving God Himself when we…
By Ellie Corrow Most children, especially girls, assume they will one day grow up, get married, and start a family. This is a dream that is not qualified with an “if” but a “when” and a goal that marks an unequivocal entrance into adulthood. Some people have no trouble achieving this, meeting the right person at the right time, and no one’s timeline suffers accommodation and adjustment. But, others don’t have this experience, instead they wait, and wait, vaguely wondering if they are running out of time, if there is someone out there for them. It’s a difficult place to be in, when life doesn’t work out as you expected.…
On the Loss no one wants to discuss
Editor’s note. Because of the very sensitive nature of this post, comments will be watched carefully. Please remember your compassion before commenting. By Anonymous I am a mother but I have no child. I don’t tell people about my loss and I don’t know if I ever really will. When I think about my baby my feelings are deeply sorrowful and guilty. And ashamed. You see, I had an abortion. I am a mother with no child because my child is dead… and I bear the guilt for it. I’ve repented and been absolved. I’ve grown up more and gotten married. And yet I’ve never gotten over or moved…
Celebrating the Church Year in June
By Marie McNary Celebrating the Church Year in June As we turn our calendar to a new month, we begin to anticipate all that Summer has to offer. I love beginning a new month because it always feels like a fresh start. Have you been wanting to celebrate the church year at home and just haven’t had the chance? June is a great month to begin! Maybe your kids are home from school for the summer – what a great time to get them involved in helping you plan how to celebrate in your home. Every home is different. There is no right or wrong way to remember these dates.…