Prayers and Praying with Children
By Mary Abrahamson The basic foundation to keep in mind when praying and when teaching children to pray can be found in the meanings of the first and last parts of the Lord’s Prayer according to Luther’s Small Catechism. The Introduction Our Father, Who art in heaven. What does this mean? God would hereby tenderly invite us to believe that He is our true Father, and that we are His true children, so that we may ask Him with all boldness and confidence, as children ask their dear father. and What does “Amen” mean? Amen means that we should be sure that these petitions are acceptable to our…
Parent’s Guide to Bible History
By Mary Abrahamson A Parents’ Guide to beginning Catechesis or put more simply, How do I teach my small child about God? Part III Bible History Why do we teach our children Bible History? Why do we get them Bible Story books with nice illustrations? Why do we buy those picture books portraying the more well-known stories from the Bible? Good questions. And for the basic, “Why?” many would not have a ready answer. Others might have a wrong answer. I’ve observed two primary notions or focus in the teaching and presenting of Bible History among Christians today that are wrong. Yes, there are wrong reasons to teach Bible…
Easing the Back to School Anxiety
By Pam Thompson Today is something like my 14th or 15th first day of school as a mom. It is hard to count, since we homeschooled our oldest for Kindergarten in a very laid back manner, so I’m not sure we even took a photo. Today my two youngest children are enjoying their very first day of kindergarten. For kids, the first day of school in generally an exciting time (even for the kids who pretend to hate that summer is ending.) For moms, this time can be wrought with anxiety and worry. I will share some of the things that have helped me ease into the transition of summer…
A Parents’ Guide to beginning Catechesis- Part Two
By Mary Abrahamson A Parents’ Guide to beginning Catechesis or put more simply, How do I teach my small child about God? Part II First Memory Work In the first article I wrote for this series, I laid the Law on pretty thick. But we all need it. Myself included. The devil, the world, and our own flesh are all conspiring to pluck our little ones from the faith they were given in their Baptisms. We are commanded to baptize and also to teach. The Baptism part, as I mentioned last time, is less often forgotten in our Lutheran circles than is the daily and weekly teaching that will feed…
By Paula Miller Life is full of transitions. We move from one season to another, sometimes gently, and sometimes forcefully ushered along with conditions over which we have no control. Transitions can be hard physically, emotionally and spiritually, in particular if you’ve been pushed into it by those forceful conditions. Listed as some of the most stressful events in life are moving, marrying, the death of a person close to you, and the birth of a child. We all will experience some or all of these things in our lives. Transitions have similar stages. First, there’s the preparation stage. Planning as we can for what is to changing makes it…
A Parents’ Guide to Beginning Catechesis
A Parents’ Guide to beginning Catechesis or put more simply, How do I teach my small child about God? Part I An introduction By Mary Abrahamson Parents, and father’s especially, have a great responsibility before God with regard to the christian upbringing of their children. It’s quite daunting. Many of us grew up without a strong example of Christian leadership in the home. Many grow up without the example of a father who takes a leadership role in the vital area. And more troublesome yet, in this day and age, some of us have not grown up with a father in the home at all. This series of articles is…
Living life according to The One Thing Needful
By Mary Abrahamson So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. Deuteronomy 8:3-4 Do you ever compare yourselves to others? Oh, such a bad and dangerous habit! Especially for those of us who tend to feel guilty for not living up to the standards of others. Or put another way, for those of us who set standards for ourselves that are unattainable or that we struggle to…
Death and the Pastor’s Family
By Holly Scheer “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”” Revelation 14:13 Congregational deaths can be hard on the pastor and his family, and they’re certainly hard on the family of the dear one who died. Being present with the family and having the chance to help them as they grieve their loved one is a blessing– and a great opportunity to serve our neighbor. But losing a member of our earthly church to the Church Triumphant also…
Celebrate the Church Year in August
By Marie McNary Can you believe it is August? As we begin looking at our calendars and to prepare for a new month, don’t forget to look at the Church Year Calendar as well. Use the Church Year in your home. In your personal Bible Study (the Treasury of Daily Prayer is an amazing resource). Use it in family devotions and activities. Here is what is coming up this month. I’ve chosen to link to many of the places you can read about this month’s Church Year in Scripture. It is easy to get bogged down thinking we need to do something “Pinterest worthy” to celebrate. But the most…
Sparring with Marilla: Part One
By Mary Abrahamson If you are an Anne of Green Gables fan as am I, you will be familiar with Marilla Cuthbert. Marilla is practical. She has little time for imagination. She has no patience with vanity. Marilla is a strong pioneer sort of spinster woman who, together with her bachelor brother, Matthew, adopts dear Anne from the orphanage. They had asked for a boy to help Matthew with the farm. But instead, got red-headed lively Anne. Anne who has known nothing but poverty and hardship comes complete with imagination galore and dreams of elegance and love. I have much Marilla in me. And much of Anne. The character of…