• Doctrine,  Katie Luther Posts

    Open Letter to My Non-Christian Family and Friends

    Dear family and friends, I am sorry. I have failed you. Time and time again I have let you down. I have not cared for you as I should. I have been selfish, putting my own comfort ahead of your well-being. Even now, I’m choosing the easy route, typing this out rather than saying it directly to you. Please forgive me. I know it seems strange that I became a Christian, that I attend church every Sunday, that I teach our children God’s Word, that I believe in God’s creation of the earth in seven days thousands of years ago, rather than millions. I know it probably seems like I…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Memories Outdone By Truth

    By Debra-Lynn Swearingen Memories of you from photographs faded streams of light they form my recollection and I close my eyes real tight I can almost hear your voice and see you standing near lingering in the moment forgetting you’re not here Memories are so fickle rushing from joy to sorrow happiness etched in minutes no promised earthly tomorrow But O’ how I return to yesterday and long for times gone by lingering in days of yore an old familiar cry So I wonder if memory is gift or a curse? The past is better than it was reality—all the worse For here I am without you no wishing’ll bring you…

  • Fall Cemetery
    Katie Luther Posts

    Growing Up: Remembering the Saints

    By Emily Cook “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It is a common question that leads to an entertaining conversation around our dinner table. “I want to be a mommy and have ten babies when I grow up!” “I want to be a car fixer!” “I’m going to give spankings when I grow up.” While we may occasionally get a glimpse into what is important to each child as they answer this question, more often we just get a good laugh. Children really cannot comprehend life that far in the future. As we all know, kids tend to think that life is going to stay just…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Death and the Pastor’s Family

    By Holly Scheer “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”” Revelation 14:13 Congregational deaths can be hard on the pastor and his family, and they’re certainly hard on the family of the dear one who died. Being present with the family and having the chance to help them as they grieve their loved one is a blessing– and a great opportunity to serve our neighbor. But losing a member of our earthly church to the Church Triumphant also…

  • encouragement

    Fear Not the Foe

    By Holly Scheer 0 little flock, fear not the Foe Who madly seeks your overthrow; Dread not his rage and power. What though your courage sometimes faints, His seeming triumph o’er God’s saints Lasts but a little hour. Death is coming for us all. Unless the Second Coming arrives before the end of our days– we will all die. That little baby sleeping sweetly in your arms, your grandparent, your spouse, you, me– all of us. Death is coming closer daily. But Death is not the end, sister. Death is an end, but it is the end of our suffering and separation from God. Death has been overcome by Jesus–…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Pity, Pittance, and Pie

    By Debra-Lynn Swearingen She died as she had lived. Alone. She had been long forgotten by her church and went largely unnoticed by her neighbors. Her illness had rendered her a social misfit. She didn’t communicate well and when she did speak, everyone could tell she was afflicted. Her medication had made her tongue thick, her hands shake, and her body rock back-and-forth. As involuntary as all of it was, one couldn’t help but wish she would stop. At one point, it was it was thought she would benefit from training in simple life functions; making purchases, counting money, and remembering walking paths through town. But her grasp of all that…

  • Katie Luther Posts,  Motherhood

    Loss, Grief, and Miscarriage

    –This post was submitted anonymously.  I had a miscarriage, and it’s a secret. My child, which was being knit together by God in a secret place died, and became a secret also.  He was alive inside me long enough for me to begin dreaming about what his life would be like, but not long enough to seem real now as I look back to this shadowy time in my life.  This child, who in my imagination was my son, was a gift given to me years after I had given up the possibility of carrying a child.  My pregnancy test turned positive only hours before I heard my pastor preach…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    The Communion of Saints

    by Shelly Hurt Mielke Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. . . Hebrews 12:1 “Riddley, Riddley, Ree!  I see something you don’t see, and the color of it is. . .”  My five-year-old daughter loves to play this old family game, passed along for a few generations.  I recall playing it with my beloved grandma, as she sat under the hair dryer in my childhood kitchen.   After being told where the game originated, my little daughter has…