Marital Advice From the Sisters
→By the Sisters of Katie Luther Marriage is a blessing– a dear one, at that. It’s a beautiful part of God’s plan for His creation– two become one. Sometimes things are harder than we anticipate, and we need loving advice from sisters who have been there, done that. Sometimes we need to seek pastoral care, or counseling. If advice is all you need, we’ve got you covered with some things we’ve all learned over the years. In no particular order, here’s what the writers said about marriage: Dates don’t have to be expensive, or even out of the house. Sometimes we just put the kids to bed and watch…
The Delicate Art of the Perfect Church Outfit
By Holly Scheer Picking an outfit that is just right for church can be complicated. Or not. Here at the Sisters of Katie Luther, we’ve got your back and our authors have worked long and hard (and made mistakes so you don’t have to) to help you pick out something just right. * In no particular order, here are our best tips to reduce stress when planning out what to wear. Same way I pick work clothes–it’s clean and isn’t jeans or shorts I make sure my shoes allow me to sprint after my toddler when he runs off (again) How hard will it be to receive the…
The Humorous Tales of Our Children in Church
Our kids are all in church frequently — which is great. It has also provided us all some funny tales of their best (or worst — you decide) moments in church. Come, sigh and laugh with us, and maybe find comfort that you’re not — at all — alone. He was about three, and we were in church. I had been teaching him the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer, and he jumped right in reciting them in church. I beamed, looked around to make sure everyone saw it, because, well, my kid rocks, and I’m an awesome mom. A few minutes later, I’m not paying attention, but am focused on the sermon, but he’s standing between…