• Vocation

    Who Am I Exactly?

    By Vanessa Rasanen Trends come and go, especially in the world of social media. Some are awesome — I did love seeing friends’ “love your spouse” challenge posts. And others? Not so much. The latest one has popped up in both Facebook and instagram, and I rather enjoy it. Friends share the three fictional characters that match their personality. It’s been a lot of fun to get a glimpse of how my friends and acquaintances view themselves. Sometimes I nod and laugh at how spot-on their picks are. And others I’m surprised. But overall it’s been fascinating and entertaining. While I don’t participate in many of these things, I have wanted to with this one. Seems easy enough, I…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Communicating (or not) with Memes and Soundbytes

    By Mary Abrahamson At supper one night, one of my “someones” showed me one of those facebook images with something short and pithy written on it. At least I think it was intended to be short and pithy. Perhaps a bit humorous. Perhaps a bit snide. You probably know the kind of thing. Sometimes it’s a quote, sometimes an image with a caption superimposed. Sometimes it’s a short video clip with commentary alongside. I don’t really remember even, what the message or the image were in this case. But I do remember the conversation that stemmed from that incident. It was a great conversation, and it made me wonder if…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    It’s Not All About You… or Me

    By Vanessa Rasanen Whatever your social media of choice — be it Facebook, twitter, instagram, or whatever — you are likely inundated with friends, acquaintances, perhaps even complete strangers sharing tidbits of themselves through opinions, thoughts, memories, or general goings-on. Given the incredibly narcissistic time in which we live – there’s even a book about it – it shouldn’t be surprising how often these tidbits feel like a slap in our face. I remember reading my friend’s post about being a stay at home mom last year. I read about her joy of “making memories” and somehow twisted it all into meaning my not being home meant I was NOT making memories. Because, you know,…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Snapshots of our Social Media Lives

    By Elisabeth Horning We all want our lives to look perfect to the outside world. In the age of rampant social media, the pressure to look perfect and have a perfect home and weigh a certain amount is multiplied. In fact, it is multiplied so much so, we lose sight of who we are if we aren’t careful. It is all too easy to begin thinking we’re not good enough. One of my favorite social media platforms is Instagram. I’ve been an active member of the app since its inception, and I’ve watched it grow. The best part of Instagram? The filters. Anyone who has an account knows what I…