• Katie Luther Posts

    A Parents’ Guide to Beginning Catechesis

    A Parents’ Guide to beginning Catechesis or put more simply, How do I teach my small child about God? Part I An introduction By Mary Abrahamson Parents, and father’s especially, have a great responsibility before God with regard to the christian upbringing of their children. It’s quite daunting. Many of us grew up without a strong example of Christian leadership in the home. Many grow up without the example of a father who takes a leadership role in the vital area. And more troublesome yet, in this day and age, some of us have not grown up with a father in the home at all. This series of articles is…

  • Motherhood

    Children and Hymns

    By Amanda Markel Last week, my children attended a “Kantorei Kamp” at one of our sister congregations. It was a great experience for them. Even in just a week’s time, they learned a lot about music, had daily worship where they got to sing a wide variety of hymns, had an opportunity to share their time and talents when they sang at several different locations, and had some good, old-fashioned fun with their brothers and sisters in Christ. It was really wonderful…I wish every Lutheran child could have a similar experience! It did get me thinking, though. We spend a lot of time in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School…