Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Katie Luther Sisters!
- Word count: please aim for a word count between 500-1,000 words. Posts falling outside of this will be considered case by case.
- Original content: for copyright reasons if a post has been published elsewhere please do not submit it.
- Format: please do not submit posts in a proprietary format (i.e. Pages). Please either post the text into the body of your email or submit it as an attachment in Word.
- Quotes and attribution: If you quote someone else, please note it. Make sure all words presented as your own are actually your words!
- Please include a short (2-3 sentence) bio with your article if you want one to run with your piece. Feel free to include your personal website if applicable.
- Please note whether you want to be considered as a regular contributor or would like to just send occasional or single posts.
We are interested in a wide variety of topics. We ask that work is respectful and show a firm understanding of the proper distinctions between Law and Gospel.
We reserve the right to edit all submissions for content and format. We may or may not have the ability to send revisions your way before running them, so if that’s a deal breaker please be mindful of our time.
Please send all submissions to
Thank you for your interest and may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you.