• Doctrine

    Male and Female He Created Them

    By Katie Fischer We live in confused times.  Not only is the secular culture in which we live confused about what marriage is and when life begins but it also is confused on what it means to be male and female. The fact is that our culture is secular.  While we may be frustrated or beaten down by its narrative we must stand for what we believe, what our words mean, regardless of what others say.  Our words are of the Church and of the Bible, and we must speak in ways that guard against the words and meanings of the world. This is why we need to hold fast…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    Communicating (or not) with Memes and Soundbytes

    By Mary Abrahamson At supper one night, one of my “someones” showed me one of those facebook images with something short and pithy written on it. At least I think it was intended to be short and pithy. Perhaps a bit humorous. Perhaps a bit snide. You probably know the kind of thing. Sometimes it’s a quote, sometimes an image with a caption superimposed. Sometimes it’s a short video clip with commentary alongside. I don’t really remember even, what the message or the image were in this case. But I do remember the conversation that stemmed from that incident. It was a great conversation, and it made me wonder if…