• Katie Luther Posts


    By Sandra Ostapowich For all your sins, you are forgiven in Christ. For all the times you were ashamed of the body the Lord gave you, you are forgiven in Christ. For all the times you compared your size to another woman, you are forgiven in Christ. For all the times you worried that you had completely messed up your life, you are forgiven in Christ. For all the times you dressed to tempt men, you are forgiven in Christ. For all the times you took pride in your modest attire, you are forgiven in Christ. For all the times you wished you could take back your hurtful words, you are…

  • For the Weary
    encouragement,  Katie Luther Posts,  Vocation

    For All Who Are Weary

    Whether you’re married, a mother, or working outside the home, one fact is true about the vast majority of women these days. We’re exhausted. We’re stressed out, overcommitted, tired, and dissatisfied with how we balance our responsibilities and our family life. Women are leaving the church or never joining in the first place, becoming part of the “Nones”, the group of Americans who claim “spirituality” but no particular religious affiliation, in numbers that have never been seen before. I can’t always blame them. There’s so much to DO to be a good Christian woman these days. Could it be that more women are burning out or just choosing not to get…