• Katie Luther Posts

    Why All This Crazy Violence?

    By Keri Wolfmueller Where on earth did all the crazy people come from?  And, for goodness sakes, how did they get guns?  These seem to be the two platforms people land on when discussing the current rise of violence in our country.  The argument sways between more gun control laws or between mental health issues.  Well, I’d like to offer up a third alternative. We’ve got to dig a bit deeper, go back a little further.   Our country is in LOVE with death.  Sound weird?  What if I say it like this, our country places NO value on life.  Making more sense?  I’d like to argue that we have…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    The Value of Life

    By Holly Scheer Life issues are at the forefront right now. With pending elections, videos telling us incredibly disturbing news, wars and murders… we think of life. And the end of life. Our lives are not valuable because of what we do, what we contribute, what our potential is. The best of us isn’t more dear to our Lord than the least– and that’s something that can be hard for us to remember. Our beauty as humans, our worth as people– it’s not tied to what we can offer others, but to what has been offered to us. You, me, babies, the elderly… all of us are created in the…

  • Katie Luther Posts

    On the Loss no one wants to discuss

    Editor’s note. Because of the very sensitive nature of this post, comments will be watched carefully. Please remember your compassion before commenting.    By Anonymous I am a mother but I have no child. I don’t tell people about my loss and I don’t know if I ever really will. When I think about my baby my feelings are deeply sorrowful and guilty. And ashamed. You see, I had an abortion. I am a mother with no child because my child is dead… and I bear the guilt for it. I’ve repented and been absolved. I’ve grown up more and gotten married. And yet I’ve never gotten over or moved…