Sunday School Worksheets – Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost
This is a new resource we’re thrilled to share for families to use in the service for children. We’re always happy to share things that can help families in the service, and we’re grateful to Anna for sending these our way!
Click the links below to download and print the PDFs!
DSDM-SeriesB-21st Sunday After Pentecost
DSDO-SeriesB-21st Sunday After Pentecost
Anna Wyss is a LCMS pastor’s kid, who met the love of her life at University Lutheran at Purdue. Besides being a wife, she is a nurse, mom to two kids, and an avid volunteer at church, especially for Sunday School.

I just noticed on of the handouts has a typo in the theme and just wanted to let you guys and the author know. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful resource!!
Monica von Steinman
will you be doing these for every week? They are amazing!!!!!
My daughter and I used it and she really listened and seemed to pay better attention then ever before. She is 10. Thank you@
Thank you for letting me know! I’m glad you consider it to be a great resource!
@Christa #-49
Anna Wyss
Yes! We are planning on getting these out each week as a resource to churches and families. Thank you for the wonderful feedback about your 10 year old daughter using the worksheet. The goal of these worksheets is to engage the kids in the service and I’m thrilled they were such a blessing to you!
@Monica von Steinman #-48
Anna Wyss
*Update on the typo*
When I reviewed the worksheet to determine the typo, I assume you were referring to the theme. It seems as though it should say “God” instead of “Good”. I have been pulling the themes directly from the Lectionary Summaries on the website and it is “Christ Jesus is the One and Only Good by Which You Inherit Eternal Life.”
I appreciate you reading the worksheets so closely and hope that they can serve as a resource for your congregation!
@Christa #-49